Friday, September 28, 2007

I Heart NY

September 21-24

Greta & I have been BFF's for over 9 years and have lived in the same city for less than 6 months. I guess you can now add 4 more days!!!

Here are some of my favorite shots from my trip If you look close you can see Stu & I making an "X" marks the spot
These Feet stepped many many steps!!

Natural History Museum. The best part was Stu and his endless knowledge of all things science. I think I learned more in one afternoon at the Museum with Stu than in all my college science classes combined.
The Met!!
Central Park
There just happened to be an Italian Festival in Little Italy. Lots of people, shopping & delicious eats!!
Yes, we totally paid a $1.00 to see the world smallest woman.

Seeing Wicked was one of my favorite parts. Notice my freak'n darling purse!!
We're standing in the Theater where we saw Wicked We could have been standing anywhere for all you know.

1 comment:

Andrews Family said...

Is that Greta Nelson??? I love that girl!