Announcing my New Associate Photographer. Kara McCoy!! I am like off the wall excited about her. I asked her to tell us a little bit about herself. This is what she said...
I'm just a girl who likes to be a mom and wife. With three crazy fun boys, one sweet little baby girl and a great husband who rocks my world, I stay pretty busy. I am a loggers daughter, raised on a farm in Canada, all the while craving a little bit of a social life and refinement. With that said, I have a hard time believing anything about global warming, have you ever been to Canada in January? I am a wanna be spa girl, but I just can't sit still long enough for a facial. I guess that makes me a little OCD or ADHD or some combination of letters that I don't know or understand.
I also asked her a few ?'s. Here's what she said...
What is your favorite candy? - Dove chocolates
What time did you go to sleep last night? - 12:30 am (newborn and need for alone time with the computer :)
What is your favorite season? - fall, oh the colors and the crisp mornings....mmmmm
What is the most exciting thing about your new position? the opportunity to explore my creativity and honestly meet so many fun new people!
What color is the purse you're carrying right now? - purse/diaper bag (same thing right now!) It is brown ... a little boring.
Stay Tuned!!
We'll soon be doing a few giveaways for a Kara Session!!
Along with Kara there a some other exciting changes.
First, My blog will soon undergo some tweaking
in order to make room for Kara. So if you take a peek in the next few days & things seem a little skiwampous that's why.
Second, I have teamed up with an amazingly talented graphic designer, Nickie Graybill, who is helping me develop PhotoShop actions, textures & other really cool PhotoShop tools. These will go on sale right here on my blog Mid May. More about Nickie later.
Third, I am holding my first Photo By Emilie Workshop Saturday, May 30th. I've had bunches of requests to shadow me & hold classes. You wish is my command:) I'll have additional details in a few weeks.
Four, I am in the process of writing a 40 page Workbook to be a companion to my workshops (if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it right!!). However, if you live in timbuck2 & can't come to Utah for the workshop. This workbook will take you through my training step by step.
Well, that's all I've got up my sleeve for now!! The End :)